Donna P. McCullum Foundation for Educational Excellence


Donna P. McCullum Foundation for Educational Excellence

The Donna P. McCullum Foundation for Educational Excellence believes that education is at the heart of any community and is paramount to the social and economic development and well-being of the community. The Foundation works with local businesses, schools, non-profit organizations, and community leaders to provide the highest level of support for minority women and their educational pursuits. We believe in the motto, “it takes a village to raise a child,” and we are an integral part of that village.

Don’t be afraid to use your voice. Your thoughts, opinions, and ideas are just as important as anybody else’s. When you speak, speak with boldness and purpose. Have courage, be confident, and always be true to yourself!
— Stephanie Lahart

2023 DPMFEE Scholarship Brunch

The 2023 DPMFEE Scholarship Brunch honoring Ms. Zena Terry held at The City Club in Birmingham, Alabama. Senator Merika Coleman waxed eloquently! Her words were inspiring, heart-felt, and authentic. She motivated and challenged the scholarship recipients to: 1) be mindful of what we wear and the message that it sends; 2) be careful of who you surround yourself with; 3) Go beyond what is asked; and 4) Look for opportunities to serve. Thank you Senator Coleman for inspiring us to reach for excellence in every area of our lives.

I’d rather regret the risks that didn’t work out than the chances I didn’t take at all.
— Simone Biles

2022 DPMFEE Scholarship Brunch

The 2022 DPMFEE Scholarship Brunch honoring Ms. Alexandria Stone was held at The City Club in Birmingham, Alabama. During the brunch, Alexandria was awarded a $3000 scholarship and the three finalists, Janna, DaJa’, and Kai were each awarded a $500 scholarship. The scholars were encouraged and inspired through this year’s keynote speaker, District Attorney, Lynneice O. Washington who told the ladies, “whatever you do, don’t quit and that failure is not an option!”

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.
— President Barack Obama

2021 DPMFEE Scholarship Brunch

The 2021 DPMFEE Scholarship Brunch honoring Ms. Alyssa Christian was held at Roots & Revelry in Birmingham, Alabama. During the brunch, Alyssa was awarded a $3000 scholarship and introduced to her mentor, Dr. Carol Johnson. The keynote speaker for this event was Attorney Terrika Shaw Attorney Shaw encouraged Alyssa and those in attendance to write down their goals and even those dreams that seem outlandish and work towards the manifestation of it all.

Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.
— Nelson Mandela

Mentors & Scholars

The ability to read, write, and analyze; the confidence to stand up and demand justice and equality; the qualifications and connections to get your foot in the door and take your seat at the table — all of that starts with education.
— Michelle Obama